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Written by Mousumi P., Somerset County Rutgers Master Gardener
Earlier this summer, campers from 4-H TOPS Camp visited the Somerset County Rutgers Master Gardener’s Sensory Garden. Guided by the Rutgers Master Gardeners, the campers learned about all the ways a garden can incorporate plants and even non-plant items to enhance our five senses. We talked about colors, shapes, heights, and textures in the garden. The Herb section with its fragrant fennel, oregano, and thyme reminded the campers of their favorite foods. The listening exercise gave us a chance to be still and “hear” the garden with its soft sounds of birds, bees, windchimes, and even some planes and cars.
We toured the Edibles section and saw the strawberries, tomatoes and other vegetables and discussed our favorite yummies. The highlight of the visit however was the Scavenger Hunt. With their partners, the campers enjoyed fully exploring the garden to search for all the items… Some were a little tricky! We ended our visit by planting sunflower seeds in pots made of newspaper for the campers to take home to start their own garden. We had a great time with the 4-H TOPS Camp campers and hope to see them again next summer!