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Written by Mousumi P., Somerset County Rutgers Master Gardener
Box Tree Moth (Cyadalima perspectalis) is a non-native insect currently under watch for its threat to boxwoods (Photo 1). Originally native to China, Korea, and other Asian countries, the Box Tree Moth has made its way into Europe (2007) Ontario Canada (2018) and recently confirmed in the US in July 2021.
In its caterpillar stage (Photo 2), the Box Tree Moth eats through the leaves of boxwoods leaving behind a curly skeleton branch as well as frass and webbing in the interior of the shrub (Photo 3). Young caterpillars can overwinter on protected spaces of plants and have multiple generations per year. In its moth phase, the Box Tree Moth can fly up to 2 miles causing it to readily spread to new plants and areas.
As current treatment options are new and considered experimental, the best course of action is to remove the affected parts of the boxwood, securely bag and dispose.
For additional information on Box Tree Moth, visit Box Tree Moth: Fact Sheet, Management & Visual Guide or
If you think you see Box Tree Moth or damage from this insect, please contact the Somerset County Rutgers Cooperative Extension Office immediately at 908-526-6293 or